Inquilinos Unidos thanks all of our generous donors for their support.
You make our work possible!
The Liberty Hill Foundation
Liberty Hill Donor Advised Funds
Lucy & Isadore B. Adelman Foundation
Jason and Lika Litt Fund
Geraldine Dreyfuss Fund
Pobladores Fund
Robert & Heidi Greenwald Fund
Joseph & Jacqueline Kirshbaum Memorial Fund
The Barry and Wendy Meyer Foundation
United Latino Fund
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
The California Community Foundation
Hispanics In Philanthropy
The California Wellness Foundation
Weingart Foundation
The Green Foundation
Annenberg Foundation
City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission
Comite de la Esperanza
El Centro del Pueblo
Eviction Defense Network
Healthy Homes Collaborative
Inner City Law Center
Korean Immigrant Workers Association
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment DepartmentNew Village Charter School
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Strategic Action for a Just Economy (SAJE)
Castelblanco Law Group
Efrain Talavera
Geiger Digital
People’s College of Law
Veronica Guzmann, Esq.
Steve Zrucky & Roberta Stovitz
Dorothy Herrera Settlage
Steve Clare & Susan Millmann
Barry & Wendy Meyer
Paula & Barry Litt
Mirta Ocana & Mercedes Marquez
Chirag Shah
Eric Castelblanco
Alice Salinas
Anne Murphy & Mindy Meyers
Clemente Franco
Claire Hirsch
Dale Preston
Elena I. Popp
Richard Irwin
Albert & Roseanna Prado
Carol Watson
Dean Franks Jr. & Cynthia Josserand
Gary Blasi
Henry & Deborah Willis
Jason & Lika Litt
Jerry Persky
Jerry & Julie Biggs
John Raphling
Katharine Cohen
Lauren Saunders
Linda Sullivan & Bob Myers
Mickey Morgan
Patricia Villasenor
Roberto Aldape
Ruchira & Sudhir Paul
Sally Lew
Maury Ruano
James & Maritza Larreta-Moylan
Gary Richwald, MD, MPH & Sue Bayley
Randolph W. Settlage
Grant Riley
Hon. Leon Kaplan
Roger Katz, MD
*Contributions of $500 or more.